Privacy Declaration
Pacific Employment Action Plan
I have been provided with the Pacific Employment Action Plan Fund Privacy Statement.
I understand that the information I provide to Zeducation Limited is being provided voluntarily and for the purpose of providing me with a Ministry of Social Development (MSD) funded Pacific Employment Action Plan Fund service. If I choose not to provide the information identified as being required for enrolment, I understand that I may be unable to participate in the Programme.
My information will be held by Zeducation Limited, and I understand that under the Privacy Act 2020 I have the right to access and correct any information that Zeducation Limited may hold about me.
I agree that Zeducation Limited may contact schools, organisations or MSD on my behalf for the purpose of providing me with their services, and that those same schools/agencies/organisations may provide information that they hold about me for that same purpose.
I agree that some of my information will be shared with Statistics NZ, this helps to report on how effective this service is. The information Stats NZ have is managed carefully and stored in a controlled, secure environment.
Some of my information held Zeducation Limited could be shared with MSD where this is required for the purposes of programme administration and the reporting of data. MSD may share information on my circumstances with Zeducation Limited to aid in eligibility determination and to enable programme service delivery. If I require further information about how MSD will manage my personal information, I understand that I am able to find this on MSD’s webpage under Privacy Notice.
I understand that my contact information may be used in the future to invite me to give feedback about my experience with the Pacific Employment Action Plan Fund, this could be an interview or survey, for example. I understand I can agree or not – it is up to me.
I understand I can withdraw from the programme in which I am enrolled at any stage by notifying Zeducation Limited and that some of my information will need to be retained for reporting purposes.
I understand that I have a right to complain to the Privacy Commissioner if I am concerned about how my personal information is being used or protected by Zeducation Limited.
I confirm that the information I have provided is true and correct and that I have read and understand the privacy statement and declaration – See back of form for full privacy statement.