Upskill your
Pacific workforce
Zeducation is delivering Future Ready Programmes in the workplace, on behalf of Auckland Unlimited, to help upskill Auckalnd's Pacific workforce so people have the skills and knowledge to adapt to the future of work and the economic impacts of COVID-19

Are you an Auckland business in manufacturing, healthcare, construction, infrastructure or transport and logistics, employing a significant proportion of Pacific Aucklanders? Project Ikuna is a programme to help upskill your Pacific workforce, enabling them to adapt to the changing nature of work.
Nearly 60 per cent of Auckland’s 99,300-strong Pacific workforce are in jobs more likely to be affected by automation and other technological change – as well as the economic impacts of COVID-19.
Register now to talk with our team or scroll down to see available courses.
Future Ready: Money Confidence
Improve your people’s financial capability and wellbeing
Free, 16-hour in-work training course
Externally accredited
Future Ready: Life Online
Improve your people’s digital capability and confidence
Free, 16-hour in-work training course
Externally accredited
SUccess stories
Find out what Auckland employers and their people have gained from participating in the short, in-work, training courses Future Ready: Money Confidence and Future Ready: Life Online.